Monday, March 23, 2009

I used my Gift Cards

Today I went to Barnes and Noble so I could use my gift cards and man I made out pretty darn good.  These are the books I bought:

Kiss by Ted Dekker
When Heaven weeps by Ted Dekker
Heaven's Wager by Ted Dekker
Thunder of Heaven by Ted Dekker
Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Betrayed by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Chosen by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Untamed by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
The shack by WM Paul Young

There you have it nine books for 60$ after taking off the gift cards because before I used them it was over a hundred dollars so this is awesome I think.  I am going to add the ones that I don't have on my list for the spring reading thing.  Now where do I start.....

Helping the economy

I am helping the economy today and Friday how you ask?  Well last Thursday I spend $90 on one pair of  New Balance shoes and I am going to go on Friday to pick up my other pair of shoes and then today I went to the bookstore and spent over a hundred dollars on books that was until I used  my Gift card and then I only had to pay 60 some dollars so I did pretty darn good.  So that is how I am helping the economy.

Twilight review

So I finished twilight just now and oh my God I loved it.  I didn't like Edward at first but now I do and I love Bella, Alice, and the rest of the characters.  I can't wait to read New Moon which is the second book in this series.  I don't want to give to much away in case people want to read this but I LOVED it and I know the movie isn't going to come close to the book but I am still going to watch it soon.

Friday, March 20, 2009

spring reading thing

I can't believe that it is spring already but of course here in AZ it is always spring and it is just a little to warm for me.  But I love smelling the blooms and hearing the birds sing and to celebrate spring I have joined a group over at one of my other blogs and they are hosting a spring fling thing which basically means you make a list of what you are going to read for the next 3 months.  Here are my picks for the books that I will be reading

Boneman's Daughter- Ted Dekker
New Moon
Breaking Dawn

If I get done with the above books I will add more but these are my first choices.  

Friday, March 13, 2009

What to spend my Gift card on

After weeks of waiting for my Barnes and Noble Gift cards to come in I finally got them yesterday.  I have $70 worth of points because of the safety program we have at work and we are able to spend it however we want.  Now I just got to figure out what books do I want.  Any ideas?

Circle of Friends

Since joining Facebook I have made contact with a lot of people both old and new and I realized that my circle of friends is getting bigger and bigger.  I think it is a lot of fun to reconnect with old friends and I enjoy the new friendships that I have started.  I know now that I have a big network of friends that I can count on and I am really thankful for that.  It's not only on facebook  but it is also on myspace and flickr and deviantart.  For those of you who are interested in seeing my myspace page and my devianart page here are the addresses:

I am going to throw in the flickr address also.

You can also find me on twitter too and if  you want to see my photo blog head on over to  

I look forward to making my circle of friends even bigger.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Twilight fan

Okay,  I did something that I honestly didn't think I would do but after hearing about this series from everywhere including the internet, friends, Movie I finally started reading the twilight series and I am really getting into it now.  The first eight chapters were slow but I have a feeling things are going to start getting good.  I can totally relate to Bella so far and I have mixed feelings about Edward but I hope that will change as I progress in the book and I also like Jacob so it's going to be interesting to read what happens.  So far I love how the author of this series writes these books they are so down to earth except for the whole vampire thing that is.    
After each book I will write a review on here and after I finish reading this one I am going to see the movie which I will probably buy so stay tuned. 
To be Continued...