Monday, April 27, 2009

Good article I just found

I just read this article and it is very interesting it talks about how what you write on the internt stays on the internet forever and ever and it has made me realize again how careful I need to be when I post something. This was written by Mark Goulston and here is the website where you can go to read the comments about this issue.

Posted April 26, 2009 | 02:55 PM (EST)

Twitter at Your Own Risk

Maybe what goes in Vegas, stays in Vegas, But what goes on the Internet, goes everywhere and stays there forever.

Since disconnectedness causes more problems than connectedness, the good probably does outweigh the bad when it comes to social networking via Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace and beyond.

But beware (and you especially may want to tell this to your children), whatever you put up on the Internet becomes viewable to anyone, anytime, anywhere. The more immature - and exhibitionistic -your personality, the more likely you will put anything you choose, up anywhere you please. When questioned, you will reply: "Oh everyone is doing it" or (if you're really immature) "If it feels good and it's not hurting anyone else, what's wrong?"

Guess what? It's hurting you.

Why? Because anyone who may decide to accept you into their school, college or community and anyone considering hiring you, will increasingly look you up on the web wherever you are. And among the things they will be looking for are common sense and judgment. Anyone who puts up information that screams, "Look at me!" may not be someone schools, colleges and jobs believe will be able to put that aside to focus on what is important to them.

A close friend of mine used to interview just out of law school applicants for her law firm. Her favorite question: "Tell me about yourself?"

What was she looking for? Not your hobbies, friendships or family stories (if she wanted to find out about those, she'd ask specifically about them). She was looking to see if you had the judgment to realize that you're being hired to help a law firm be more successful, and looking for answers that would set you up to succeed rather than fail.

The most damaging and insidious cost of "twittering" away your life is that joining one of those sites and attracting hundreds, if not thousands of followers or contacts (BTW I am not one to speak, since I have a profile up at Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin) can give you figuratively and literally a "contact" high. And that can become addictive.

What's wrong about that? Having all that buzz about you or connected to you can make you feel like a "somebody." The problem is that in most of our jobs and even intimate relationship we can easily begin to feel less special, more like an "anybody" than a "somebody." And as several people I know have confided, "When you go from feeling like a 'somebody' to feeling like an 'anybody,' you feel like a 'nobody'." At that point you can become distracted, irritable and thinking only of your next "Blackberry fix." If the coin of the realm in life is giving our undivided (non-multitasked) attention to the people we care about at work and at home, our addiction to Twitter et al is rapidly bankrupting the quality in our relationships.

I've heard something attributed to Marilyn Monroe was that when everyone adores you, but nobody knows you, you can die of loneliness. The same might be said that when you're connected to everybody, you're connected to nobody.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

8 layers of Traci

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:

I can only think of three things for this one. If I think of more I will put it on here.
1. My Vacation
3. Onyx my dog is getting her staples taking out on Monday.
4. Going to a baseball game on the 12th of May

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Woke up
2. Took a shower

ate breakfast
4. Went to lunch with my Mom
5. Went to the movie with my Mom
6. Read New Moon
7. Went to dinner
8. read some more.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
I could only come up with three things.

1. Be retired ( this is because my Dad is now retired and I would love to be but I am way to young.)
2. Have a inside job ( I work as a Courtesy clerk and it means going outside to do Carts but I did get promoted to GM so I am only a Courtesy clerk some of the time.)
3. Go to bed as late as I want to. and not feel it in the morning.

8 Shows I Watch:

1. Supernatural
2. Dollhouse
3. Dancing with the Stars
4. House Hunters
5. Cops
6. Wings (on DVD but it still counts)
7. Two and a Half men
8. Oprah ( when I am home.)

I know some of these are not eight but that's all I could think of. Like Liz I am not going to tag anyone if you want to do it go ahead and let me know what you come up with.

New Moon review

Warning : This review has spoilers so if you don't want to know what happens DO NOT READ THIS POST.

I loved this book. The first couple of chapters up to chapter 10 was very depressing and I felt so bad for Bella but when Alice came back to tell her about Edward it got a lot better. I liked Jacob in the beginning because he was the one who was there for her and he was the one who helped her build the motorcycle and when she jumped off the cliff he was the one who found her but at the end I didn't like him because he gave the motorcycle back knowing full well that Charlie will find it and ground her even more. The most surprising part of this book was when Edward asked Bella to marry him and I am thinking to myself do it Bella. I don't blame her for wanting to become a vampire if it means being with Edward her whole life and I can't wait to start reading the third one now. There is so many questions that needs to be answered and I really hope that Mrs. Meyer will answer all of them. I highly recommend this series to everyone who loves romance. I can't believe that it took me only a month for me to read this book, it is that good.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter

I want to wish everyone a early Happy Easter. I will have to work so I don't know if I will remember to write anything on here for Easter so that is why I am doing this today. I hope al of my friends have a blessed and happy Easter. I will when I get off of work. I have a box that is full of candy from my Grandmother that we haven't opened yet but we will on Sunday.